Name: Adam (last name unknown)
Age: biological age 40 | chronological age: centuries
Race: Human
Alias: God's magician, God among men, monster child (when he first found the ark)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alias: God's magician, God among men, monster child (when he first found the ark)
Gender: Male
Adam - the most powerful spell caster to ever exist, renowned all through out the mythos. But before all that he was just a young apprentice working for a local wizard who was also sort of archaeologist. The wizard mainly searched for items of great magical power to add to his arsenal. In one of their expeditions the wizard asked the boy to tag along him as the location was extremely unstable cave system. The search went without a problem...well that is until the cave finally collapsed separating the wizard from the boy. Both of them have tried to reach each other but to no avail. The boy was left to find a way out by himself. As he was wondering around he stumbled across an abandoned crypt. In the middle stood a shining golden chest. The boy suddenly became drawn close to until he reached the object. It was the arc of covenant. The boy opened the chest and suddenly his body was empowered he suddenly felt like a different man inside the chest was also a stone tablet and a rod - the rod of Aaron. The boy's doubts dissapeared, he suddenly took up the rod and the stone tablet and with one spell annihilated the mountain along with the wizard. And this is the story of a boy who gained the power sent directly from the god, however this is only the beginning of the story for the man who was born from the boy - the story of Adam.
He usually wears a crimson red shirt with a dark black cloak on top. He rocks green hair and dark blue eyes. He never changes his uniform and instead uses magic to keep it hygienic at all times. If he does need to have different clothes he uses illusions for that matter.
Powers and abilities:
As a spell caster Adam's main weapon is magic.His magic raised to unimaginable heights when he found the ark of covenant and the 3 things contained in it.
Mana: The thing that completely transformed the child into what he is today. It mainly raised his magical prowess as well as awakened his mind, allowing him to comprehend, learn react strategize at impossible levels as well as increasing his power pool to new heights.
Mana: The thing that completely transformed the child into what he is today. It mainly raised his magical prowess as well as awakened his mind, allowing him to comprehend, learn react strategize at impossible levels as well as increasing his power pool to new heights.
Aaron's rod: The only thing capable of channeling the power that the user gains from mana. The rod holds supreme even among legendary weapons further increasing the wielders magical abilities and automatically boosting the power of every spell cast.
Tablet of 10 great magics: Last piece that makes Adam so powerful. This stone tablet holds the 10 most powerful spells in existence and is feared by all. This tablet can only be used in conjunction to receiving mana and wielding Aaron's rod. This tablet also bestows upon the user the knowledge of the gods and functions as a sort of window to their realm.
The 10 great magics are are as follows:
1. All slayer: The flame that houses the power of the Void Dragon. It ignores the durability and resistance of anything that tries to resist it and will dish out increasingly more damage the more defensive it's target is. The only way to avoid damage is to drop your guard completely.
2. Breath life: Allows you to create powerful beings with their own powers, looks, personality etc. Was used to create 2 of Adam's servants - Gravel, Rill. Adam claims that it's useless in battle as it is impossible to think of everything that makes up a good servant in the heat of battle. It can however also be used to summon existing beasts of myth like phoenixes, titans, dragon's etc. Adam claims this magic to be on the same level if not greater than annihilation maker, as well as stated by many deities to be a word ending magic.
3. Emperor's Crown: A buff that allows you to claim superior will to all. This in turn allows you to will things to happen, like pushing through wounds that would otherwise put you down unconscious or even kill you, will forth more power etc.
4. Miracle maker: The most famous ability in history - the ability to perform miracles. This spell will temporarily will let the user perform miracles of any scale and turn the tide of battle even at the most dire situations.
5. Cry of the fallen. Drains life out surrounding area inducing death or near death to all within 500 meters. The ability seems to be indiscriminate as it works on anyone and anything. It seems to be near instantaneous and impossible to resist. Not even gods are immune to it
6. Heavenly forecast: Gives the caster the ability to create weather out of anything even if it defies logic. For example: Lightning rain, blood hurricane, metal shrapnel storm, sharknado etc. Although the spell is limited to weather phenomenon it no limits on how said wether phenomenon works.
7. Reset, done: the ability to turn any actions and processes, including opponent's attack back to the state of "zero", completely nullifying them.
8. Chain reaction: it's a spell with the power of escalation. For example if the user were to scratch the concrete the cast this spell it would accelerate the deterioration of that scratch and eventually little scratch would become a hole in the wall, same can be applied to some wounds as untreated they can become infected and damaged beyond repair....well by any normal means. The spell always requires a catalyst to work however that is not a problem as even a simple breeze is enough of a catalyst to turn into a tornado.
9. Heavenly factory. As Breath life is the most powerful creature creation spell Heavenly factory is the most powerful in animate object creation spell. The user can create powerful magical objects, weapons talismans etc. as well as anything else that you can think of that isn't a living creature.
Other note worthy spells:
Grand Cross: Fires ten superheated orbs in a cruciform syzygy. This attack also bypasses magical defenses.
The 10 great magics are are as follows:
1. All slayer: The flame that houses the power of the Void Dragon. It ignores the durability and resistance of anything that tries to resist it and will dish out increasingly more damage the more defensive it's target is. The only way to avoid damage is to drop your guard completely.
2. Breath life: Allows you to create powerful beings with their own powers, looks, personality etc. Was used to create 2 of Adam's servants - Gravel, Rill. Adam claims that it's useless in battle as it is impossible to think of everything that makes up a good servant in the heat of battle. It can however also be used to summon existing beasts of myth like phoenixes, titans, dragon's etc. Adam claims this magic to be on the same level if not greater than annihilation maker, as well as stated by many deities to be a word ending magic.
3. Emperor's Crown: A buff that allows you to claim superior will to all. This in turn allows you to will things to happen, like pushing through wounds that would otherwise put you down unconscious or even kill you, will forth more power etc.
4. Miracle maker: The most famous ability in history - the ability to perform miracles. This spell will temporarily will let the user perform miracles of any scale and turn the tide of battle even at the most dire situations.
5. Cry of the fallen. Drains life out surrounding area inducing death or near death to all within 500 meters. The ability seems to be indiscriminate as it works on anyone and anything. It seems to be near instantaneous and impossible to resist. Not even gods are immune to it
6. Heavenly forecast: Gives the caster the ability to create weather out of anything even if it defies logic. For example: Lightning rain, blood hurricane, metal shrapnel storm, sharknado etc. Although the spell is limited to weather phenomenon it no limits on how said wether phenomenon works.
7. Reset, done: the ability to turn any actions and processes, including opponent's attack back to the state of "zero", completely nullifying them.
8. Chain reaction: it's a spell with the power of escalation. For example if the user were to scratch the concrete the cast this spell it would accelerate the deterioration of that scratch and eventually little scratch would become a hole in the wall, same can be applied to some wounds as untreated they can become infected and damaged beyond repair....well by any normal means. The spell always requires a catalyst to work however that is not a problem as even a simple breeze is enough of a catalyst to turn into a tornado.
9. Heavenly factory. As Breath life is the most powerful creature creation spell Heavenly factory is the most powerful in animate object creation spell. The user can create powerful magical objects, weapons talismans etc. as well as anything else that you can think of that isn't a living creature.
Other note worthy spells:
Grand Cross: Fires ten superheated orbs in a cruciform syzygy. This attack also bypasses magical defenses.
Divine Feat: Creates a greatsword or spear of light and with it pierces the enemy.
Strike of the Seven Stars: Creates seven superheated balls of light at the opponent to annihilate them.
Testament: Uses the deepest mystery to convert his power into a new Big Bang.
Excalibur: Attacks with the holy sword generated from his right arm.
Sefirot Crystal: Summons several small crystals in the shape of the Sephiroth that attacks the enemy.
Eden's Javelin: Creates a holy light from his lance that purifies the enemy.
Flame Hellscythe: Adam will relentlessly hunt those he deems evil with his Flame Hellscythe before dragging out their soul and casting it into Hellfire.
Demon's Crystal: Adam summons a demon that will relentlessly torment the opponent until they die.
Lightning Spear: Creates a bolt of lightning and throws it at the enemy.
Thousand Spears: A variation that creates multiple Lightning Spears.
Heaven's Judgement: Summons a thunder cloud that drops a set number of lightning bolts.
Final Judgment: A bigger variation of Storm of Judgment.
Lightning Blast: Unleashes a blast of energy from his mouth.
Holy Hug: Grabs his enemies and squeezes the life out of them.
Kerubimausu: An attack where Adam inhales and sucks in everything into another dimension.
Vortex: He attacks by drawing everything into a vortex, allowing him to easily manipulate debris and use them as projectiles to crush foes and twists time and space to drop entire castles on his opponents.
Dark Lightning: Attacks with dark power in the form of lightning. This attack bypasses magical
Purging Gale Storm: A powerful, wide-reaching wind blast that not only damages the foes, but turns resistances into weaknesses and vice versa.
Blackout Awesome Quake: A powerful, wide-reaching earth attack from below that can stun opponents and prevent them from attacking.
Violated Rune Forest: A powerful, wide-reaching explosion of verdant energy that can poison the opponent.
Crucified Thunder Fall: A powerful, wide-reaching burst of lightning that can paralyze the opponent.
Condemning Hell Crusher: A powerful, wide-reaching burst of dark energy that can instantly kill its target.
Crazed Meteor Fall: Summons a meteor storm that deals damage and injects confusion and panic into the minds of Adam's foes.
Requiem Ocean Wave: Summons a tidal wave that can put the foe to sleep.
Spirit Drain: Absorbs energy from the opponent to recover his own.
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